KC Combo

Knee Control Orthosis

Clinicians managing patients with knee flexion instability in stance are often faced with the dilemma of whether the patient needs a knee-ankle-foot orthosis (KAFO) or just an AFO to correct the instability. Those with poor quadriceps may experience knee flexion in stance, especially if they lack strength and endurance. Locking up the knee all the time may interfere with the patient’s ability to actively strengthen the muscles that will provide long term stability.

The KC Combo provides opportunities for developing knee control with the AFO alone, or with the attached knee component to provide more proximal alignment and stability.


  • Ring pin fastener attaches or detaches the knee orthosis quickly without the use of tools
  • Growth adjustment option for pediatric applications
  • Available with clinician’s choice of knee joints/locks
  • Compatible with a variety of AFO designs including most TC Flex AFOs
  • Patient-selected transfer patterns
  • Total contact design fabricated from the clinician’s impression of the limb


  • Knee flexion instability
  • Patients who experience changing muscle strength in the lower limb
  • Patients who are working towards eliminating the knee control portion of their lower limb orthosis
  • Patients who need simultaneous stretching of the foot, knee and ankle to maintain range of motion
  • Those patients who need a KAFO to stabilize the knee for standing and transfers
  • Patients who wear an AFO for most activities, but require a KAFO for longer distances or prolonged standing
  • Adults with central nervous system disorders including cerebrovascular accident, traumatic brain and spinal cord injuries

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